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Finance Committee

Finance Committee


The mission of the Finance Committee is to oversee the financial activities of the society and to ensure the financial health of the Society.


The Finance Committee shall prepare, for approval by the Executive Board, an annual budget for the Society and shall make recommendations for the financing long-range plans of the Society. The committee will review the financial performance and plans of the Society. Establish short and long term financial goals for the society. The Finance Committee shall recommend to the Executive Board the amounts to be established for annual dues for each category or membership within the Society and shall perform such other duties as from time to time may be assigned to the Committee. The Finance Committee shall supervise the preparation of, shall examine and shall forward the membership all financial statements and reports which the membership describes as necessary and proper for carrying out the functions of the Society. The Finance Committee should work closely with the Administrative managing entity of the Society to ensure transparency in all financial operations.

Election and Term of Appointment

Its members and Chair shall be elected and serve as delineated in Election Procedures.


This committee consists of at least 5 members, including the Chairperson. The total membership number is dependent on the working needs of the committee. Finance Committee consists of the President, Past President, Treasurer, and 2 members at-large elected as per bylaws section 6.

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