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7th ICRS Summit Catania

Dragoo Jason - MD

Dragoo Jason

University of Colorado
Department of Orthopaedics
Aurora, United States of America

Jason L. Dragoo, MD is a Professor and Vice Chair at The University of Colorado. He is the Endowed Chair of Regenerative Medicine and is the Director of a newly constructed 150,000 square foot Inverness Sports Medicine and Regenerative Medicine Center. He specializes in Sports Medicine and is the Head Team Physician for the Denver Nuggets and Team Physician for the Denver Broncos. He also serves as a consultant team physician for the US Ski Team and US Olympic Committee.

Dr. Dragoo currently serves as the Chair of the newly formed Biologics Alliance, which is a multi-subspecialty national society for Biologics, and is also active member of the AAOS Biologics and Regenerative Medicine Committee, the AANA Education Committee and the AOSSM Team Physician Committee.

His basic science and clinical research have led to many advances in the use of biologics to augment tissue healing including: 1) investigations on new formulations and applications platelet rich plasma (PRP) and autologous growth factors, 2) cartilage regeneration using adult adipose-derived cells, and 3) the development of 2nd generation methods, using autologous blood products, for tissue repair. He currently has 6 active NIH/DOD grants, has published 3 textbooks, authored over 120 peer-reviewed articles.

25 September (Wednesday)

  • 12:45 - 14:45
    Session 1 - OrthoTinder: Joint Inflammation/Homeostasis Control
    Joint Session with the Biologic Association BA - OrthoTinder is a novel battle-style session where the clinical need is matched with industry and research solutions. The main presenter outlines the clinical unmet need, while suitors briefly present their solutions to win over the presenter with their tools. Companies can participate as suitors, and after discussion, a winner is determined.
  • 14:45 - 16:15
    Session 2 - How to Get it Right: Bad Healers vs Good Healers
    Joint Session with the Biologic Association BA - The How to get it right session is an open presentations/discussion aiming to define best solutions and best treatment choices for different clinical targets