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7th ICRS Summit Catania

Della Villa Francesco - Sport and Exercise Medicine Physician

Della Villa Francesco

Isokinetic Medical Group
Education & Research
Bologna, Italy

Francesco Della Villa MD, is a Sport and Exercise Medicine physician. Clinician and researcher. He is in charge of clinical research and development, working in the Education and Research Department of the Isokinetic Medical Group, which is a FIFA Medical Centre of Excellence, located in Bologna, Italy. Dr Della Villa is an active member of different international scientific societies. He had an international education with a focus on qualitative movement analysis and biomechanics. He has a particular interest in translating research into high level clinical practice, with a focus on rehabilitation and return to play after knee injuries, especially ACL injuries. His research interests varies from injury mechanism to functional outcomes following complex sports injuries. Husband, father and lover of the nature, he is also a passionate saltwater fisherman.

26 September (Thursday)

27 September (Friday)