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7th ICRS Summit Catania

Bonnin Michel - President European Knee Society

Bonnin Michel

Centre Orthopédique Santy
Lyon, France

Michel Bonnin, MD, PhD, is a French orthopaedic surgeon, specialized in Knee and Hip arthroplasty, working in Lyon, France, at the Centre Orthopedique Santy. He published many scientific articles and book chapters about knee arthroplasty, biomechanics, and anatomy. He is past-President of the French Hip and Knee Society (SFHG) and actual President of the European Knee Society (EKS).

After 30 years of surgical experience, he is convinced that the only way to improve outcomes in TKA and THA is to reproduce the native anatomy as closely as possible, and that new technologies such as custom implants, robotics and artificial intelligence are necessary to achieve that goal.

27 September (Friday)