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7th ICRS Summit Catania

Drobnic Matej

Drobnic Matej

University Medical Centre Ljubljana
Department of Orthopedic Surgery
Ljubljana, Slovenia

Dr. Matej Drobnič is a consultant in the Sports and Arthroscopy Team at the Department of Orthopedic Surgery, University Medical Centre Ljubljana, Slovenia/EU. He completed his MD at the University of Ljubljana in 1999, and the residency in orthopedic surgery in 2007. His clinical work is focused on the reconstructive surgery of the knee and the foot/ankle region. Matej Drobnič has been active in the cartilage tissue engineering since 2000. He completed his MSc (2003) and PhD Thesis (2006) at the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, covering the surgical aspects of cell-based cartilage therapies. During that period he has been involved in five national and one international research project. Since 2020 he is full professor and head of Chair for Orthopedics at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Ljubljana. He is an active member of national (CTESS, SOS-SOA) and international societies (ICRS, ESSKA, BAFAS). He is lead physician for Slovenian Ski Jumping National team. He is also member of medical committee of Slovenian Football Association.

26 September (Thursday)

  • 13:45 - 14:15
    Finceramica Sponsored Satellite Symposium: Osteo-Chondral Unit Reconstruction: What we learned in 15 Years
    • 10 min
      MaioRegen Surgical Technique in Oval Form with Mini Arthro Kit