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7th ICRS Summit Catania

Malda Jos - Head of Orthopaedic Research

Malda Jos

University Medical Center Utrecht
Utrecht, Netherlands

Jos Malda is Professor of Biofabrication in Translation Regenerative Medicine and Head of Research at the Department of Orthopaedics, University Medical Center Utrecht. He also has an appointment at the Department of Equine Sciences, University of Utrecht. He is also the current 2nd Vice President of the ICRS. He received his MSc degree in Bioprocess Engineering from Wageningen University in 1999 and completed my PhD on Cartilage Tissue Engineering in 2003 (University of Twente). In 2007, Dr Malda was awarded a fellowship that allowed him to establish his research group in Utrecht, which focuses on biofabrication and biomaterials design, in particular for the regeneration of (osteo)chondral defects. He has published over 200 articles in peer-reviewed international journals and attracted over 20 million Euro in research funding. He has been a long-standing Board member of the International Cartilage Regeneration & Joint Preservation Society (ICRS) and currently is the Secretary General. Further, he is past President of the International Society for Biofabrication (ISBF).

26 September (Thursday)

  • 09:00 - 11:00
    Session 7 - OrthoTinder: Large Osteochondral Defects & Early OA

    OrthoTinder is a novel battle-style session where the clinical need is matched with industry and research solutions. The main presenter outlines the clinical unmet need, while suitors briefly present their solutions to win over the presenter with their tools. Companies can participate as suitors, and after discussion, a winner is determined.

  • 15:30 - 16:45
    Session 12 - Orthotinder: Meniscus Substitution
    OrthoTinder is a novel battle-style session where the clinical need is matched with industry and research solutions. The main presenter outlines the clinical unmet need, while suitors briefly present their solutions to win over the presenter with their tools. Companies can participate as suitors, and after discussion, a winner is determined.