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7th ICRS Summit Catania

Shabshin Nogah

Shabshin Nogah

Hospital of University of Pennsylvania
Diagnostic Imaging
Ra'anana, Israel

Nogah Shabshin, MD, MBA, BSC is a musculoskeletal radiologist. She is staff and adjunct professor of Radiology at the hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, Philadlephia since 2008, and leading the MSK radiology at the Emek medical center, Afula, Israel. She is a member of the editorial board of Skeletal Radiology since 2008, chair of the promotion committee of the refresher course of the International Skeletal Society since 2014 and a member of the additional committees in the organization. She received the Fellow research award by (2001), cum laude educational exhibits (2009) from the Radiological Society of North America and an honorarium (2005). She is an author and co-author of 49 scientific papers and 3 chapters and well as 92 scientific presentations and more than 33 invited lectures. She graduated (Cum Laude) the Rapaport School of medicine at the Technion, Haifa and received a Kellog-Rcanati MBA degree (2011). She completed her Radiology residency at Soroka University Medical Center, Beer-Sheba, Israel and a Musculoskeletal radiology fellowship at Thomas Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, PA. She was an assistant professor of Radiology at Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA. She founded the Musculoskeletal radiology section at Sheba Medical Center. Dr. Shabshin Completed her MBA studies at Kellogg-Recanati business school. She then served as chair of Radiology at Assuta University Medical Center Network and (2011-2014) and as interim chair of Radiology at Carmel Medical Center. She currently shares her time between clinical-academic work and medical start-up companies.
Areas of interest: Bone marrow edema syndromes, stress fractures, musculoskeletal injuries in pregnancy, osteoid osteoma ablations and deep tissue injuries.

26 September (Thursday)