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Hands-On Lab Skills Course


Course Directors

Prof. Jos Malda, PhD
University Medical Center Utrecht (UMC)
Head of Orthopaedic Research
Department of Orthopaedics
Heidelberglaan 100
NL-3508 GA Utrecht
Phone:  +31-887558078

Dr. Roel Custers, MD, PhD
University Medical Center Utrecht (UMC)
Orthopaedic Surgeon
Heidelberglaan 100
NL-3508 GA Utrecht
Phone: +31-643078858

Local Committee

  • Roel Custers
  • Mylene Ruijter
  • Jasmijn Korpershoek
  • Riccardo Levato
  • Jos Malda
  • Jaqueline Rios
  • Nienke van Egmond

Course Venue

Regenerative Medicine Center Utrecht
Uppsalalaan 8
NL-3584 CT Utrecht

Course Organizing Office

Cartilage Executive Office (CEO) GmbH
Spitalstrasse 190A
8623 Wetzikon, Switzerland
Phone +41 44 503 73 70
Email: office@cartilage.org