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1300 members from 70 countries Join ICRS

ICRS Translational Research Committee Workshop

On June 6th 2024, the ICRS Translational Research Committee will host an online workshop titled ¨Unlocking the Role of Toll-like Receptors and Innate Immunity in OA¨.  Join Guest Speaker Prof. Carla Scanzello (UPenn Perelman School of Medicine) and her host Prof. Markus Wimmer for this exciting discussion. Please register here!

This event is open to ICRS members and non-members alike. Please feel free to spread the word to your peers. You can register for this online event via this link: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_usx3gB1iQX68gyVJFdjnpw#/registration


On June 6th 2024,…
ICRS Translational Research Committee Workshop