Election Procedures

Election Procedures (Revised August 27, 2023)

The following regulations govern the procedures for the election of Executive- & General Board members. The By-Laws of ICRS provide the general framework within which the Society must elect committee members and officers. The regulations in this document describe the detailed process by which elections will take place.


Role of Nomination Committee

New members of the Executive Board (2nd Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary) are elected by ratification of the General Membership based on a recommended slate of candidates selected by the Ad-hoc Nomination Committee.


Structure of Nomination Committee

The committee is composed of one non-voting chair and five Members:

  • 1 Chair (non-voting) is appointed by and from the Emeritus Committee. The chair must be appointed among the Past-Presidents, excluding the immediate past president, who is still a member of the Executive Board.
  • 1 Committee Member is appointed by and from the actual General Board and cannot be a current Executive Board Member and cannot run for an Executive Board position in the current election.
  • 4 Committee Members at large, which will be selected by a self-nominating process and/or eventually through a vote by the General Assembly if more than 4 valid applicants are received. Valid candidates must be ICRS Fellows or Ordinary Members in good standing, who have attended at least three ICRS educational events during the past 5 years. At least two of those members should be from a group that has historically been underrepresented within the ICRS leadership structure (e.g., based on profession, gender, geographic location or ethnicity).
  • Nomination Committee Members, including the Chair, cannot serve twice on a Nomination Committee


Formation of the Nomination Committee

  • At the preceding World Congress, the Emeritus Committee members select the Chair of the nomination committee by a simple majority vote among themselves and informs the ICRS office of their choice. At the same time the General Board selects their candidate by simple majority vote, and informs the ICRS office of their choice.
  • During the presentation of the incoming board at the Members GA during world congress, the ICRS secretary will open the nominating committee member application process for the 4 additional vacancies. The process will remain open for six weeks after the end date of world congress. To ensure motivated committee members, only self-nomination will be allowed. The applications should be supported by an updated bio sketch of the candidates of 150-200 words. The ICRS office checks the eligibility of applicants and provides the list of valid candidates to the Chairperson.
  • If there are more than 4 eligible applicants, the chairperson of the nomination committee prepares a letter to be sent by e-mail to all ICRS members with voting rights for an electronic vote.
  • Candidates will be identified specifically if they belong to an under-represented group. Each ICRS member with voting rights will be asked to vote for up to four candidates. The voting window will remain open during one month. At the closing of the voting window, the ICRS office will tally the votes and provide the Chairperson with a list of candidates ranked by numbers of votes received.

The election result will be interpreted as follows:

  1. The top two candidates from an historically underrepresented group with highest number of votes will be selected initially.
  2. If there are less than two candidate from underrepresented groups, the slots will be filled with general candidates instead.
  3. The remaining two slots will be filled from the top voted remaining candidates.

Election of the Executive Committee Members

  • Six months before the World Congress, the Nominating Committee through the ICRS office will invite the actual and past 2 terms of General Board Members asking for self-nominations for one of the EB positions. Recommendations for 2nd Vice President will only be proposed if neither the current Secretary General nor Treasurer do self-nominate for the position. Applications should be sent to the office by interested candidates within a deadline of 45 days. The office will collect and then forward all received applications to the Nominating Committee, which will evaluate Candidates based on a CV submitted by the candidates, which will serve as a guide for the Nominating Committee.
  • Within the next 30 days, the Nominating Committee selects the successful candidates with 1 alternative stand-by candidate for each position. All candidates are informed by the Committee chair about their names being chosen or not. Successful candidates must formally accept his/her nomination to serve on the upcoming EB.
  • At least 30 days before the General Assembly, the office will inform the General Membership about the successful candidates together with a Nomination Report in which the committee will report on the process of the search and a motivation of its selection.

The General Membership is invited at the General Assembly to accept the suggestions or reject. If the proposed candidates are accepted by a simple majority vote, then those candidates are declared elected. If proposed candidates are rejected by a simple majority vote by the general membership, then the short listed candidates list is taken to the General Membership for an electronic open vote.

Election of the Fellow Members and Committee members

  • At least 5 calendar months before the date of the world congress, the Membership Chair invites eligible members to apply to become a Fellow Member. New Fellow Member Candidates must be approved by the GB.
  • At least 3 calendar months before the date of the World Congress, members who meet the eligibility criteria will be called to submit an expression of interest for one or more of the available positions in various standing committees within 2 weeks of the announcement. The eligibility criteria are a) they should have been fully paid up members of ICRS for at least one calendar year before the date of the election b) they should previously have served no more than 1 Terms of office on that committee c) they must commit to attending the World Congress and the General Assembly where results will be announced.
  • At least 3 calendar months before the date of the World Congress the current Standing Committees will each elect from among themselves a new Chairman who will take up their position after the next General Assembly.
  • Term limits in each committee will be two terms unless the member has been selected to be the chairperson or deputy chairperson.  If so, the member can remain in that committee until having completed 2 terms in that leadership position.
  • At least 2 calendar months before the date of the World Congress the current EB, together with the respective committee chairs, will appoint additional deputy co-chairs for each standing committee for any open positions.
  • If there is more than 1 candidate for vacancies on Standing Committees then an electronic ballot of all members will be conducted, starting 2 weeks after the closing date for expressions of interest and finishing 2 weeks after that. Each nominee will be asked to provide a short statement regarding their reasons for accepting the nomination and this will be sent to all members at the time of the ballot.
  • Where there is just 1 nominee for a position then no ballot will be held for that position and the nominee will be deemed to have won the election by acclamation.
  • Where there are no nominees for a position then the Executive Committee may nominate a candidate of their own choice to fill the vacancy.
  • On day 3 of the World Congress, a General Assembly will be held. The current Secretary-General will first seek ratification of the election process from those present and then announce the results of the elections.
  • The new Executive Committee, General Board and Standing Committees will meet for the first time on the last day of the World Congress, after the General Assembly.

Zurich, August 27, 2023