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8th ICRS Surgical Skills Course "Understand it – See it – Do it"

Deadlines & Cancellation Policy

Important Dates

Deadline Course Registration Early Bird September 15, 2024
Hotel Reservation Deadline
Deadline Cancellation of Registration (refund 50%) September 15, 2024
Deadline Course Registration Normal Fee January 15, 2025
Increased Late Fee as from January 16, 2025

Please note the following refund policy for paid registrations.

  • 50% refund for cancellations before September 15, 2024.
  • No refunds thereafter.

Written notification is required for all registration cancellations and changes. The request should be sent to the Cartilage Executive Office office@cartilage.org.

Cancellation of the Congress by the Organizer

Congress fees will be reimbursed if the congress is cancelled for other reasons than war, warlike events, natural disasters, and acts of terrorism or sickness epidemics. In the latter circumstances, only a proportion of the congress fee would be refundable.