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8th ICRS Surgical Skills Course "Understand it – See it – Do it"

Sponsoring Opportunities

Following the success of the 2023 Surgical Skills Course at Aspetar in Doha, Qatar, we are thrilled to announce the return of this premium educational event on February 6-9, 2025.
We extend this special invitation to innovative companies specializing in cutting-edge technologies for diagnosing, regenerating, repairing, protecting, or rehabilitating joint cartilage surfaces. Whether your expertise lies in stem cells, growth factors, PRP, bioactive composites, synthetics, scaffolds, allografts, or their combinations, this is a prime opportunity for you to showcase your advancements.

This premium Surgical Skills Course will offer 10 workstations with three surgeons each. In addition, up to 100 delegates will be attending the scientific lectures that accompany the wet lab practical.

To ensure the independent reputation of the host venue, we will welcome a limited number of exhibitors on site.

Platinum Sponsorship: € 15’000

  • Wet-lab demo of several devices as agreed with the Course Directors (5 company reps)
  • booth space in the best location (approximately 3 x 3 meters)
  • 1 hosted course registration: wet lab plus lectures
  • 6 hosted course registrations: lectures-only
  • 2 hosted Faculty Dinner tickets
  • 1 digital advert in the event app
  • 1 digital banner in the event app
  • 1 email blast to all delegates before or after the meeting
  • Platinum Sponsor acknowledgement on the event website & app, break slides & ICRS E-News

Gold Sponsorship: € 12’500

  • Wet-lab demo of several devices as agreed with the Course Directors (3 company reps)
  • 1 booth space in the best location (approximately 3 x 2 meters)
  • 1 hosted course registration: wet lab plus lectures
  • 2 hosted course registrations: lectures-only
  • 1 hosted Faculty Dinner ticket
  • 1 digital advert in the event app
  • Gold Sponsor acknowledgement on the event website & app, break slides & ICRS E-News

Silver Sponsorship: € 8’000

  • Wet-lab demo of one device as agreed with the Course Directors (2 company reps)
  • 1 tabletop booth (approximately 2 x 1 meters)
  • 2 hosted course registrations: lectures-only
  • 1 digital advert in the event app
  • Silver Sponsor acknowledgement on the event website & app, break slides & ICRS E-News

 Brand visibility:

  • Product placement in wet lab | € 4’000 (no company reps in wet lab)
  • Lunch Workshop | € 5’000 + costs lunch (TBD)

 Next-Gen Educational Support:

  • Fellowship (lectures-only) sponsoring | € 15’000
  • Scholarship (lectures-only) sponsoring | € 2’000


  • Hosted Faculty Dinner hosting | € 10’000
  • Hosted Welcome Reception | € 4’000
  • Hosted Coffee Breaks | € 1’000 per break

Individual Items:

  • Event app sponsoring (pop-up upon opening app) | € 1500
  • 1 digital advert in the event app | € 1000
  • 1 digital banner in the event app | € 1000
  • 1 PDF in the event app | € 500
  • Surgical cap sponsoring | € 500
  • Event badge sponsoring (your company logo printed on the badge) | € 500