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4th ICRS World Series Brazil

Cohen Moises - Head of Department

Cohen Moises

Cohen Orthopaedic Sports Medicine Institute
Orthopaedic Sports Medicine Division
São Paulo, Brazil

Moises Cohen is a Full Professor and Chief of the Orthopaedic, Traumatology and Sports Medicine Department of the Federal University of São Paulo, Brazil. Hes the Director and see the patients at the Cohen Institute of Orthopaedic, Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation and the surgeries at the Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein, São Paulo. His clinical interests are in degenerative and sports Knee disorders, Orthopaedic Sports Medicine, Cartilage repair. Hes a CNPQ and FAPESP scientific investigator and hes coordinating an important project in Genetic Study of some disorders of the Knee and Shoulder Joints.

Hes a past president of the Brazilian Knee Society, Brazilian Orthopaedic Sports Medicine Society, SLARD, ISAKOS (2011-2013). Since the beginning, he is a ICRS member as well as a member of AAOS, ESSKA, ACL Study Group and others.

Moises is the Chairman of the Medical Committee of the Federação Paulista de Futebol (2014 – Now) and member of the Board of directors of the Medical Committee of the Confederação Brasileira de Futebol CBF (2014- Now). Also he is the Chairman of the FIFA Center of Excellence of the UNIFESP.
Hes a current reviewer of Arthroscopy Journal, American Journal of Sports Medicine, Revista Brasileira de Ortopedia. Moises is a professor of the Post-graduation program in Translational Surgery and published 10 books, 183 articles in scientific journal, oriented 28 master degree, 16 PhD candidates and 2 post PhD.

20 February (Thursday)

21 February (Friday)