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4th ICRS World Series Brazil



Official Hotel (Venue) / Local do Curso

Hotel Radisson Paulista
+55 11 2627 1286 |+55 (11) 96841-8229
Al. Santos, 85, Cerqueira César, São Paulo, SP

Os participantes poderão efetuar a sua reserve de Hotel com preços bem especiais diretamente com o Hotel  (favor mentionar Evento ICRS 2025). Os preços das diárias especiais acordados são: BR$ xxxx Sgl e BR$ xxxx / Dbl + Taxas, (incluido Café de Manha). Participants are requested to book their hotel arrangement directly with the Hotel.

Reservas / Hotel Reservations:

Hotel Reservation Deadline: January 15, 2025

By Email:
Inform Group Event: ICRS 2025

Through Website:
Use Promotional Code: SPECI