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Patient Profiling & Juvenile Cartilage


Why do we accept an 80% success rate for almost all treatments and surgical procedures for cartilage repair – even less with rigorous follow-up? Is this a given fact, or can we do better? What are the reasons? Are our interventions of limited benefit? Does the procedure not match the patient, or is our knowledge limited?

A comprehensive ICRS Focus Meeting will address those questions, offer some answers, and help doctors, physiotherapists, sports scientists, a.o. to get better in cartilage repair & regeneration. Although much focus has been placed in recent years on the efficacy and efficiency of various techniques for treating cartilage damage in the knee joint, the indication and selection of patients is the most important parameter in cartilage regenerative therapy. This ICRS Focus Meeting focuses on clinical, imaging, and scientific aspects of this vital field and takes a look into the future to improve cartilage regenerative therapies further by knowing and influencing prognostic factors.

Philipp Niemeyer, Christoph Erggelet & Philip Roessler
Course Chairs


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