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17th World Congress ICRS 2023


Noel Daniele - PhD

Noel Daniele

Montpellier, France

Danièle Noël is currently a Research Director/Professor at Inserm at the Institute for Regenerative Medicine and Biotherapies (IRMB) in Montpellier. She received her PhD in Health Biology from Bordeaux University in 1992. She did a post-doc at the Institute of Molecular Genetics in the field of recombinant retrovirology and gene therapy in Montpellier (1992-1999). She is currently leading the group “Mesenchymal stem cell biology and cartilage therapies” including 13 staff members. Her main research interest is the biology of mesenchymal stem cells with the goal of obtaining sufficient knowledge to develop therapeutic approaches for autoimmune and osteo-articular diseases. A particular focus is on understanding the mechanism of action of mesenchymal stem cells and the contribution of extracellular vesicles to cartilage engineering and therapies. She has authored more than 160 publications (H index: 57; citations: 13239) and is currently partner in 3 European programs.