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cartilage repair

Cartilage Repair Techniques

This website focuses on articular cartilage repair treatment, which means the restoration of damaged hyaline cartilage in the joints. Cartilage repair and regeneration is a treatment for joints that have damaged cartilage but are otherwise healthy. The treatment is recommended…

Are all Cartilage Problems the Same?

Joints, such as the knee, are formed of two types of cartilage. The first, articular cartilage, forms a smooth, lubricating layer that prevents wear between the bones. The second type is the meniscus cartilage, tasked with shock absorption, as opposed…

How do I know if I have a Cartilage Problem? (Imaging of Cartilage Injuries)

The first thing to explain, especially for patients, is why imaging of the knee is required. When patients arrive with a cartilage problem, often in the knee joint (although sometimes in the ankle or hip), the first step is clinical…

Debridement and microfracture

To protect against wear and damage, joints in the body rely on lubricating tissue, known as cartilage, to allow low-friction movement between the joint bones. When this cartilage is damaged or worn down, proper joint function is impaired, and patients…

3D Printing

3D printing is the layer-by-layer deposit of materials to create objects with complex but well-defined structures. Combining previous discoveries in engineering, bioreactor design and biomaterial scaffolds, 3D printing can also be used to create biomaterial scaffolding for human cells. This…

Risks & Complications in Cartilage Repair

It is important to note that, in general, cartilage repair is a relatively low-risk, safe procedure, and complications are rare. However, as with any surgery, being aware of the risks – both in general and for a specific individual –…

The Future of Cartilage Repair

Medicine never stands still – studies are always underway to make sure that the current treatments are as effective, safe and beneficial as we think they are. Moreover, researchers are constantly striving to improve established techniques and to devise new…


Allografting or, to give its full name, 'fresh osteochondral allograft transplantation (OCA)' is an operation in which a damaged or diseased area of a joint is reconstructed using a bone and cartilage transplant. The cartilage cells can survive the transplantation…


Untreated joint (articular) cartilage defects can eventually lead to degeneration of the joint and disability, in terms of joint function. Several cartilage repair techniques exist for the treatment of cartilage defects. Among these, mosaicplasty was introduced into clinical practice in…


The most common surgical procedure carried out in patients with injuries to their joint (‘articular’) cartilage is arthroscopic chondroplasty or ‘removal of the diseased fragments’, otherwise known as cleaning, debridement, or ‘ablation’. These pieces can cause damage and inflammation to the…

Patellofemoral Pain

The kneecap (patella) is the flat, oval bone at the front of your knee. It is held in place by a broad tendon and one of the largest muscles in the body, the thigh muscle (quadriceps). The patella, its tendon…

Diagnosis & Treatment of Shoulder Disorders

Shoulder conditions, although less common than in the knee or hip, affect a large number of people; especially people aged over 50 years. Shoulder problems are associated with ongoing pain and places limitations on a person’s lifestyle, among other negative…