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Kantonsspital Baselland (Bruderholz, Liestal, Laufen)

Kantonsspital Baselland (Bruderholz, Liestal, Laufen)

4101 Bruderholz

Ass. Prof. Dr. Michael Hirschmann
+41 614362697

Data on Clinical/Research Center

We are a Clinical Center: yes
We are a Research Center: yes
We are both: yes
In University Programme: yes
Private Practice Programme: no
Primary Language: English
Secondary Language: German

Training/Techniques are available

Approximate Annual Case Volumes

Knee Procedures: 1000
Hip Procedures: 20
Foot & Ankle Procedures: 1000
Shoulder Procedures: 400
Advanced Cartilage Repair techniques: 250

Opportunities, Experiences and Location of the Teaching Center

Scientific Research Opportunities Available:

Clinical oriented research run by our specialized research center consisting of study nurses, national and international research fellows and master and doctoral student.
Main focus is on foot/ankle and knee surgery.

Describe your participation in past ICRS educational, hosting or society events

Can your center provide free or reduced-cost accommodation through your institute?


Who should be contacted:

Reduced cost accommodation at hospital site.

Nearest Airport to your institution is
