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Narcisi Roberto

Narcisi Roberto

Erasmus MC
Rotterdam, Netherlands

Biotechnologist by training, dr. Narcisi completed his PhD in Biotechnology and Tissue Engineering in 2011 (University of Genova, Italy). After a first postdoc in the Netherlands and a secondment at the Stanford University in 2015, he became Assistant Professor at the Erasmus MC in Rotterdam, department of Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine. Since 2014 his work is mainly supported by personal grants from NOW-VENI, TAS-ZonMW, 2x ReumaNederland (Dutch Arthritis foundation), an internal Erasmus MC grant, and a grant from the AO-foundation in Davos. His research lines are focused on (1) understanding stem cell differentiation mechanisms for skeletal disease modelling approaches; (2) determining the role of senescence and inflammation during cartilage generation and degeneration; (3) modulating intracellular signaling pathways to generate articular cartilage in vivo.
Member of ICRS since 2009, in 2018 dr. Narcisi become secretary of the Dutch society for matrix biology (NVMB) and associate editor for Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology. In 2017 he won the Dutch FameLab event (science communication competition), in 2019 was speaker for a TEDx event in Alkmaar.