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Termination of Membership

Termination of Membership

General Membership Renewal Conditions defined by the ICRS Articles of Association as follows:


With a two-thirds vote by those present at each officially convened meeting, the General Board can suspend or expel a member provided that the General Board has requested such action to be taken, has outlined their reasons for the expulsion and has executed reasonable effort for reconciliation and fact finding.

Termination due to non-payment of membership fees

The Executive Office shall send an invoice to each member during the first week of November of the preceding year, and shall issue two reminders until July giving notice that membership may be terminated unless payment is received by July 31st. These reminders will be sent to the last known address of the member as notified to the Secretary. The executive office will notify the General Board of all members who failed to pay their dues until the end of the year in question. The executive office will revoke the membership of those members who fail to pay without good cause after 18 months.


Any member can present his or her resignation in writing, sent at least 60 days before the date on which the resignation is to become effective. The resigning member should pay any outstanding due of past and current years.

For any further information and assistance, please contact office@cartilage.org


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