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1300 members from 70 countries Join ICRS

JCJP Journal – Case Studies

Got a unique or different case you want to share with us?

All members of the ICRS probably have an interesting case they would like to share with one another. Dr. Frank invites you to send in your interesting case study for publication. JCJP accepts case reports and case series articles. The official journal of the ICRS publishes cases with the lessons you learned.  We want members to discuss cases from JCJP and you are welcome to submit a case worthy of discussion, particularly around aspects of differential diagnosis, decision making, management, and clinical guidelines.

To learn more, read below and submit your case to: https://www.editorialmanager.com/jcjp/default1.aspx

Case Report: A single case report should highlight the unique features of the case. In sections identified as Introduction, Case Report, and Discussion and in fewer than 1,500 words, introduce the topic, present the case, and discuss its novelty and educational value. Authors should consider limiting their references to 10 citations and include an Informed Consent Statement. Case Reports should adhere to CARE (CAse REport) guidelines (https://www.care-statement.org/). Please use this checklist as reference: https://www.care-statement.org/checklist. There is an online tool for case report authors: https://care-writer.com/.

Case Series: Case Series articles present a series of unique cases (at least 5) with clear learning points and include a review of the related literature. These can describe complicated cases with lessons learned / pearls for avoidance. Case Series follow CARE guidelines (Gagnier, J., et al. The CARE guidelines: consensus-based clinical case reporting guidelines development. Journal of Medical Case Reports 2013, 7:223) and are typically fewer than 2,000 words. The Case Series must include a structured abstract with an Introduction, the Case Series Presentation, and a Conclusion. The body of the article should include an Introduction, Patient Information, Timeline, Diagnostic Assessment, Therapeutic Intervention, Follow-up and Outcomes, Discussion, and Informed Consent Statement. Please use this checklist for Case Series.

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JCJP Journal – Case Studies