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Proposed By Law Changes 2023

1300 members from 70 countries Join ICRS

Proposed By Law Changes 2023

Since 2020, the Bylaws and Membership Committee has been working on a revision of the Executive Board election procedures to improve involvement of the General Membership in selection of their leaders (Executive Board) through the formation of a Nomination Committee. This was presented during the last ICRS General Assembly in Berlin and approval was given by the membership to move forward with a concrete proposal. We believe that through the creation of a Nomination Committee, the Society would meet better the importance of diversity, equity and inclusion. In the process of involving the General Membership, this is a first step to increase the voice of underrepresented minorities, based on e.g., gender, ethnicity, geographical location and profession.

This will impact on Article 4 (Section 6. Elections) of the current ICRS Bylaws and the Nomination Committee is now included in Section 6e.  An overview of the proposed changes can be found here: Bylaw Change Elections.

The Executive and General Boards have extensively discussed the proposed changes in depth during the past years The full procedure this new proposed election process has been approved by the ICRS General Board and can be found here: Election Procedures Final