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1300 members from 70 countries Join ICRS

2nd ICRS Regional Fellowship – USA ICRS-JRF Ortho/Solvita Clinical Traveling Fellowship 2024

We are thrilled to announce the second edition of the ICRS-JRF Ortho/Solvita Clinical Traveling Fellowship 2024 – USA Chapter!


The programme’s objective is to provide an opportunity for young orthopaedic surgeons, residents, fellows, or clinical scientists to gain exposure to the world of articular cartilage injury, repair, and regeneration by meeting key experts in the field. Selected as potential leaders in cartilage regeneration and joint preservation, fellows will travel with their Godfather, Dr. Jack Farr from Indianapolis/IN, to visit research facilities, observe surgical procedures, and participate in social events with the hosting cartilage community.


Vacancies: Three successful candidates will be awarded.

The application needs to be submitted in a single PDF and must include the following:

Not respecting the above-mentioned indications will result in exclusion from the selection.

The Fellowship will occur from June 8 to 15, 2024, and will cover travel, hosting, and the main meals.

The itinerary includes stops in:

Complete applications must be received by April 2, 2024 (noon CEST), for consideration. Please email the application to ICRS at anouk.buergisser@cartilage.org, with the attention of the Fellowship, Scholarship & Research Grant Committee. Candidates will be selected by the Fellowship Selection Committee by April 9, 2024, based on merit and as potential leaders in cartilage regeneration and joint preservation. Notifications will then be sent out by email to the applicants. If you are still waiting for notice, contact ICRS after April 15, 2024.

We are thrilled to…
2nd ICRS Regional Fellowship – USA ICRS-JRF Ortho/Solvita Clinical Traveling Fellowship 2024