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1300 members from 70 countries Join ICRS

Bylaw Changes and Election Results 2019

According to our Bylaws, an electronic ballot has been held among all ICRS Members with voting rights between June 28 and July 12, 2019 to vote for the proposed bylaws changes in the Art. 4. Organisation – Section 6 Elections – Point e and Art. 4. – D. Auditor – Section 14. Auditor as well as to elect the upcoming ICRS Treasurer 2019-2021 between two candidates.  1183 Members with voting rights have been invited to cast their votes. 168 Members (14.34%) have exercised the right to vote.

The results of the 3  ballot are as follows:

Ballot 1: Bylaw Change Art. 4. Organisation – Section 6 Election – Point e

Ballot Result: Votes Received: 168 Votes – in Favour: 158 Votes – Against: 7 Votes – Abstentions: 3 Votes

The new text version will be implemented and becomes in effect immediately: “Term limits in each committee will be two terms unless the member has been selected to be the chairperson or deputy chairperson.  If so, the member can remain in that committee until having completed 2 terms in that leadership position.  A person who is deputy chair can remain in the committee until having completed terms as chairperson.”

Ballot 2: Bylaw Change Art. 4. – D. Auditor – Section 14. Auditor 

Ballot Result: Votes Received: 168 Votes – in Favour: 164 Votes – Against: 2 Votes – Abstentions: 2 Votes

The new text version will be implemented and becomes in effect immediately: The Auditor shall audit the financial management of the Association with regard to the regularity of the accounting and the use of the Association’s assets and means in compliance with its statutes and establish an audit review within five months after the Society having established the annual financial statement.”

Ballot 3: Election for the ICRS Treasurer 2019-2021 between Leela Biant and Christian Lattermann

Ballot Result: Votes Received: 168 Votes – Leela Biant: 63 Votes – Christian Lattermann: 103 Votes – Abstentions: 2 Votes

We would like to thank Leela Biant and Christian Lattermann for their unending support to the ICRS over the years. The ICRS is congratulating Christian for the confirmation of his upcoming EB position and we look forward to continuing our work with Christian and Leela for many years to come.

According to our Bylaws,…
Bylaw Changes and Election Results 2019