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1300 members from 70 countries Join ICRS

ICRS Travelling Fellowship Applications 2022 – Extended Deadline

On behalf of the ICRS Fellowship, Scholarship & Research Grant Committee and our partners ON Foundation & Vericel, we invite all active ICRS members in good standing and below age 40 to apply for one of our amazing Travelling Fellowship opportunities 2022 or for an ICRS/ON Education Grant to attend ICRS 2022 Berlin.

Both travelling fellowships culminate in attending the 16th ICRS World Congress from April 12-15, 2022 in Berlin, Germany.

Previous fellows have created lasting relationships within the ICRS, and have defined meaningful collaborations for continued mentorship and research collaboration. Candidates will be selected based on merit and as potential leaders in the field of cartilage regeneration and joint preservation. For more information on application instructions & special requirements, please refer to our ICRS Website


Looking forward to your application and seeing you in Berlin!

Aaron J. Krych & Committee Members
Chair of Fellowship, Scholarship and Research Grant Committee
On behalf of the…
ICRS Travelling Fellowship Applications 2022 – Extended Deadline