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Open Invitation to all ICRS Members with Voting Rights – Bylaw Changes & Election of Upcoming Treasurer

1300 members from 70 countries Join ICRS

Open Invitation to all ICRS Members with Voting Rights – Bylaw Changes & Election of Upcoming Treasurer

The purpose of this message is to explain the process by which members of the new Executive Committee 2019-2021 will be elected and to open the electronic ballot for the following three businesses:

1. Proposal for 2 Bylaw Changes

The Membership and Bylaws Committee in consultation with the executive and general boards has evaluated the bylaws and has recommended changes be made in the bylaws. This was discussed at the last Congress in Macao and was voted upon and approved by both the executive and general boards. As this is a change in the bylaws, our general membership should evaluate the proposal and vote for approval if agreed upon. Please consider these 2 recommended amendments. Detailed Information on the proposed changes are available in the voting System.

2. Elections

Under our Bylaws, the current President, Alberto Gobbi, will remain on the Executive Board for one Term of Office as immediate Past President; the current First Vice President, Tom Minas, is the President-elect and will automatically become the new President; the current Second Vice President, Elizaveta Kon, will automatically assume the position of First Vice President. Therefore, the Second Vice President position is open for election. Only the current Secretary General and Treasurer are eligible to stand for election to the position of Second Vice President, however if neither decides to stand for election for the position of Second Vice President, general board members from actual and past 2 terms can stand for election for this position. Therefore, we recently invited all eligible candidates to consider nominating themselves for the open Executive Board positions, namely Second Vice President Treasurer and Secretary General.

The results of the nomination process were as follows:

• There was only one candidate for the position of Second Vice President. Under the Bylaws, where there is only one nomination that person is elected for the position by acclamation, without a ballot being held. Daniel Grande from USA has been elected to the position of Second Vice President.

• There was only one candidate for the position of Secretary General. Under the Bylaws, where there is only one nomination that person is elected for the position by acclamation, without a ballot being held. Brian Cole from USA has been elected for the position of Secretary General.

• There were two candidates for the position of Treasurer. Therefore, an electronic ballot will be held for all members to choose between Leela Biant from UK and Christian Lattermann from USA.
Please follow the link below to a short biographical statement from the candidates and to the electronic ballot, which is now open to receive your vote. The deadline to cast your vote is at midnight Central European Summer Time on Sunday July 12, 2019. No vote will can be casted after this deadline.

Link to the ICRS 2019 Executive Board Voting System:

ICRS E-Voting System – Cast Your Vote Now

Yours sincerely,

Tom Minas,  ICRS Vice President 2018/2019

The purpose of this…
Open Invitation to all ICRS Members with Voting Rights – Bylaw Changes & Election of Upcoming Treasurer