Committee structures

Committees shall strive to have equal representation of clinicians and scientists.

According to our actual Bylaws, the General Board shall be composed of the President, 1st Vice President, 2nd Vice President, Secretary-General, the Treasurer and the Past President (these 6 positions also forming the Executive Board), the Chairperson of each Standing Committee, the Chairperson of the Editorial Board and the upcoming Meeting Chairperson.


Standing Committees shall have in their Charter the need to submit a written report to the General Board two times between the International ICRS Congress meetings. The first report will be due 6 months after the Congress meeting or selection of the committee members, whichever occurs last. Committee Chairs will submit a written report to the Executive Committee to show a work plan for the coming year and a three-year plan. A second presentation will be made 6 months before the next Congress so the Executive committee can review what has been done and have responses ready for the General Board meeting. Each standing committee Chair will make a 2–3-minute report at the General Board and General Membership Meetings to inform on committee progress, projects and achievements. This will keep all General Membership informed of committee decisions and let the General Membership see these committee leaders in action.

Working Groups

Non-standing Committees can be formed by the General or Executive Board to advise on certain issues of scientific, clinical, or administrative concern to the Society. Interested members wanting to start a working group can petition for such a group to be formed and all interested General Members will be able to serve if they so desire. These committees will be formed with a specified mission and duration and will report their suggestions, and/or findings to the Executive committee annually. The Bylaws already provide for these groups as follows:

Ad-hoc Committees or Working Groups

Committees, not authorized as standing committees, are called ad-hoc Committees or Working Groups. The intention of ad-hoc committees or working groups is to identify a problem, gather information, discuss this within the group and summarize their findings in a report that is available to all members, present the report if agreed by the executive board at the next general meeting. Working Groups or ad hoc Committees may be initiated in two ways:

  1. By the General Board or the Executive Board.
  2. By any member of the society who can identify a relevant issue and gather support of at least 2 Members of the General Board. Such a proposal can be ratified electronically by a majority of the General Board.

The General Board and all members are committed to helping these working groups in any way. In the past, such successful working groups have contributed to the Society’s knowledge about Histology, Rehabilitation after Cartilage Injury and Repair, Cartilage Imaging and Committee Structure.

The members of these previous Working Groups are hereby thanked for their excellent contributions and work however, as all have completed their original mission and none are currently active, all will be dissolved and new groups can be formed by Petition by any member.

Committee member guidelines

The ICRS  is thankful to you for your willingness to serve as a volunteer committee member for the upcoming term of office and welcomes you on board of your committee, through which you will help us carry the ICRS to a brilliant and successful future. Your nomination and appointment as a committee member comes along with a few responsibilities and duties.

The purpose of this document is to provide you with background information, guidelines and management principles of our society. Associations often fail to succeed because the elected individuals do not have enough information to perform in their position in a satisfactory way or they do not know where to get all the information.

Please download the Advice-for-Committee-Members_2023