Executive Board
Constitution & Term of Office
The Executive Board is formed by the President, the First Vice President, the Second Vice President, the Secretary General, the Treasurer, and Past President. The President is acting as the Chairperson. If he/she is unavailable or incapacitated, his/her duties shall be assumed by the Past President. The term of office of each post shall be 1 term with possibility of re-election by the floor for 1 term of the positions for Treasurer and Secretary General only.
Duties and Functions
The Executive Board shall assist, prepare and facilitate the work of the General Board and perform other tasks and duties as assigned to it by the General Board. In order to grant an efficient decision making process, the Executive Board shall take decisions regarding the common day-to-day business of the Society and advise the Executive Director to take care of its execution. In the event of a tie the President of the Society shall have, subject to available options, the casting vote. The Executive Director can represent the Society in its dealings with third parties; the Society shall be bound by all formal decisions of the Executive Board and General Board.
Executive Board 2023 - 2025
General Board
Constitution & Term of Office
The General Board shall be composed of the President, First Vice President, Second Vice President, Secretary General, the Treasurer and the Past President (these 6 positions also forming the Executive Board), the Chairperson of each Standing Committee, the Chairperson of the Editorial Board and the upcoming Meeting Chairperson. The Meeting Chairperson will be appointed by the Executive Board. These General Board Members shall have voting rights. The Executive Director shall attend the meetings of the General Board but shall not have voting rights. The total number of members of the General Board shall vary with the number of Standing Committees established by the General Board. The regular term of office of the members of the General Board shall be one term with possibility of one 1-term re-election, respecting the election process laid down in Section 6, a-f, except for Second Vice President, First Vice President, President and Past President, where the term of office is limited to a maximum of 1 term. Term means the interval between two regular World Congresses. If any of the above posts should become vacant for any reason the General Board shall appoint a person to assume the relevant duties. The appointee should be a current member of the respective Standing Committee where the position became vacant. The appointee shall complete the term of office of his/her predecessor.
Duties and Functions
The General Board shall:
- Conduct the business of the Society in accordance to these articles and decide on all matters that are not expressly under the authority of the General Assembly or the Executive Board.
- Issue regulations and proceedings for the management of the Society as they think it best fit, subject to compliance of these articles of the association.
- Have the power to initiate ad-hoc committees or working groups, to nominate their members and chairpersons, and to issue regulations governing their duties, responsibilities and procedures.
- Have the power to establish standing committees, to nominate their members, subject to election by the general assembly and to issue regulations governing their duties, responsibilities and procedures; elected chairmen of the standing committees shall automatically become members of the General Board.
- Evaluate the decisions of all standing and ad-hoc committees and working groups.