ICRS is a great site to share our experience in regenerative medicine related to orthopedic patient treatment.
ICRS Membership Benefits
Membership Categories and Fees
Ordinary Members: € 250
Junior Members: € 120
Corporate Members: € 3500
Ordinary Members
Ordinary Members are persons, irrespective of their nationality, who have an interest in the field of Cartilage Repair. Ordinary members have the right to hold office and are subject to membership fees and are entitled to vote and hold Office.
Junior Members
Junior Members are persons in training, irrespective of their nationality, who have an active interest and/or competence in cartilage repair and tissue engineering. They have the right to vote. They shall be subject to reduced membership fees. Junior Members will automatically become Ordinary Members after a maximum of 6 years of Junior Membership or 3 years after completion of Training (PhD or Residency), or as per their personal request.
Fellow Members
Fellow Members shall be members who have made a significant contribution to cartilage repair and/or related regenerative medicine or to the Society. Members may apply for Fellowship status provided they have been a member of ICRS for at least three years. The application will be voted for approval by the majority of the general board. Fellows have the right to vote and hold office and are subject to the membership fees.
Honorary Fellows
Honorary Fellow Membership can be given to any fellow who has given the Society particularly meritorious services or who has made outstanding contributions in the field of cartilage repair. They shall not make application for Honorary Fellowship but shall be nominated by at least three Fellows of the General Board and ratified by the majority of the general board. Honorary Fellows are exempt from all fees and dues, including meeting and course fee but have the right to vote and can hold office.
Retired Members
Retired Members At the time of retirement from professional activities, Members may, upon request to the General Board, shall be exempt of all dues. In case of such exemption they will have no right to vote or hold office.
Corporate Members
Corporate Members shall be corporations or other organizations, including commercial enterprises, interested in the activities and objectives of the Society. Each corporate member is entitled to nominate 5 company representatives to represent the membership. They shall have no right to vote or to hold office but the company is subject to the membership fee.
Affiliated Societies
Affiliate Societies Any scientific Society whose activities, in the opinion of the Board, are in conformity with the objectives of the International Cartilage Repair Society, can be considered for affiliation to the ICRS, if the society provides evidence of having the same objectives as given in art. 1 of ICRS statutes on a regional or national basis; the society is legally controlled and provides Statutes and Bylaws. In the event that a society is accepted by the ICRS General Board as an affiliated society, there shall be no cost to either the ICRS or the society. The President of the society has the possibility to convene the Board of Presidents to discuss and decide on mutual interests. The members of the affiliated society will receive, through their society ICRS News. The ICRS News may be used by the affiliated society for communication to their members in agreement with the ICRS editorial board. Members of an affiliated society can receive reduced fees for ICRS conference and meetings. The members of the affiliated society are not considered as active ICRS members and are not entitled to vote either by mail ballot either at ICRS General Assemblies and cannot hold office.
All members shall receive a certificate appropriate to their membership categories.
Termination of Membership
General Membership Renewal Conditions defined by the ICRS Articles of Association as follows:
With a two-thirds vote by those present at each officially convened meeting, the General Board can suspend or expel a member provided that the General Board has requested such action to be taken, has outlined their reasons for the expulsion and has executed reasonable effort for reconciliation and fact finding.
Termination due to non-payment of membership fees
The Executive Office shall send an invoice to each member during the first week of November of the preceding year, and shall issue two reminders until July giving notice that membership may be terminated unless payment is received by July 31st. These reminders will be sent to the last known address of the member as notified to the Secretary. The executive office will notify the General Board of all members who failed to pay their dues until the end of the year in question. The executive office will revoke the membership of those members who fail to pay without good cause after 18 months.
Any member can present his or her resignation in writing, sent at least 60 days before the date on which the resignation is to become effective. The resigning member should pay any outstanding due of past and current years.
For any further information and assistance, please contact office@cartilage.org