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1300 members from 70 countries Join ICRS


Please watch the following tutorials made by Gwen Tway. In case of additional questions please contact her at gwen.tawy@cartilage.org.

How do patients enrol themselves in the Registry?

Welcome to our first tutorial on how to use the ICRS Registry. This video tutorial shows you how patients can access their personal portal and enrol themselves. In this tutorial, you will also see the consent procedure for patients, as well as the questions that patients are asked to answer for the Registry. We encourage all patients to enrol themselves into the Registry, but if you would like to or need to enrol patients on their behalf, please watch our other tutorial titled ‘How can I add a new patient to the Registry?’.

How can I add a new patient to the Registry?

This video tutorial will show you how to enrol a patient into the Registry as a surgeon or a delegate. We are encouraging all patients to enrol themselves into the Registry. However, if for whatever reason you would like to or need to enrol your patients yourself, this video will show you how. If you would like to learn how patients can enrol themselves, please watch our other tutorial titled ‘How do patients enrol themselves in the Registry?’.

How do I add pre-treatment information about a patient?

Once a patient has been enrolled to the Registry, you as the surgeon or delegate are required to complete a short form outlining your clinical assessment of the patient before their treatment begins. This tutorial will teach you how to enter this data into the Registry.

How do I enter information about a conservative treatment to the Registry?

This tutorial will teach you how to enter conservative treatments into the Registry. This form should be completed after a patient is prescribed or undergoes conservative treatment. If you would like to learn how to enter information about an invasive procedure, please watch our other video titled ‘How do I enter information about an invasive procedure into the Registry?’.

How can I save a form as default?

This tutorial teaches you how to save a template form for a conservative or invasive procedure. This is extremely beneficial if you carry out the same procedures with multiple patients, as it enables you to generate your own templates with part completed answers to make your data entry simpler and faster.

How do I enter information about an invasive procedure into the Registry?

This tutorial will teach you how to enter details on an injection or surgical procedure into the Registry. This form should be completed after a patient undergoes the treatment. If you would like to learn how to enter information about a conservative procedure, please watch our other video titled ‘How do I enter information about a conservative treatment into the Registry?’.

Can I enrol patients in the Registry if they do not have a cartilage defect?

If you have a patient who has undergone a joint preserving surgical procedure, but has no damage to their articular cartilage, you can include them in the Registry using a new button. Under the mandatory question about the location of the cartilage defect or damage, you can now click ‘None – Reporting Other Joint Preservation Surgery’. You can then proceed to add the procedure performed. This video shows you how to add these patients using this new button.

How Do I report Arthrosamid Treatments in the ICRS Patient Registry?

We are pleased to announce that use of Contura’s injectable implant Arthrosamid can now be captured by the ICRS Patient Registry. Please watch this tutorial to learn how to report Arthrosamid injections in the Registry.

How Do I report Durolane and Gelsyn-3 Treatments in the ICRS Patient Registry?

We are pleased to announce that use of Bioventus’ Durolane and Gelsyn-3 treatments can now be captured by the ICRS Patient Registry. Please watch this tutorial to learn how to report Durolane and/or Gelsyn-3 injections in the Registry.