Jerome Guicheux

INSERM-RMeS - University of Nantes REJOINT Nantes, France

Jérôme Guicheux (YOB 1970) has received his PhD in cell biology and health sciences in 1997 at the Nantes University School of dental medicine. He was a research associate in the internal medicine and rheumatology department of the University Medical Center of Geneva (Switzerland) from 1997 to 2001. He was finally recruited as a tenured junior research scientist by the French national institute for health and medical research (INSERM) and assigned to the Nantes University in 2001. JG has been promoted and appointed INSERM junior Research Director (DR2)/full professor in 2008 and senior Research Director (DR1)/Full professor in 2019; He is currently director of the INSERM research Centre RMES « Regenerative Medicine and Skeleton » (130 pp, INSERM UMRS 1229, Nantes, France) and the scientific director of the SC3M core facility (electron Microscopy, Microcharacterization and functional Morpho-histology and imaging) of the François Bonamy Health Federative Research Institute.
JG is the national coordinator of the Inserm French network dedicated to peripheral and spine OA (netwOArk). JG is also a member of the board of directors of OARSI and Regenerate-Biospine. JG has secured more than 100 research contracts, coordinated 5 pluri-annual programs from the French national research agency (ANR) and served as coordinator and WP/task leader in several European grants from FP7, FP8 and H2020. He has authored (updated 1st April 2021) more than 215 indexed publications (ISI web of knowledge H-index 56 and total citations 8650; google scholar H-index 65, i10 index 160 and total citations 12350) and 9 patents and gave 115 invited lectures.
His research focuses on the pathophysiology of osteoarthritis and disc degenerative disease and the regenerative medicine of skeletal tissues including bone, articular cartilage and intervertebral disc. JG has notably contributed to strengthen the relevance of stem cells (mesenchymal stem cells and induced pluripotent stem cells) and biomaterials (polysaccharide-based hydrogels and calcium phosphate-based bone biomaterials) for the regeneration of osteoarticular tissues. ISI WOK Researcher ID F-7767-2013; ORCID 0000-0003-2754-3024.