Advancing Cartilage Science Worldwide
The ICRS is the main forum for international collaboration in cartilaginous tissue research. We unite basis scientists, clinical researchers, physicians, and industry members interested in articular biology, its genetic basis, and regenerative medicine.
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We drive Cartilage Regeneration & Joint Preservation forward
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Our mission it to advance Science & Education of the Prevention & Treatment of Cartilage Disease Worldwide. We seek to improve our patients´ quality of life, decrease their disability and reduce the impact of degenerative joint disease on healthcare systems.
Recognizing the continuum from cartilage injury to degenerative joint disease, we welcome all those interested in cartilage regeneration and joint preservation to join our Society and help promote the translation of scientific advances into clinical practice at the highest standards for the benefit of patients worldwide.
Discover our portfolio of activities
Opportunities Engage & Benefit

Fellowship opportunities
Traveling Fellowships immerse young orthopaedic surgeons, residents, fellows and/or early-career scientists in the world of articular cartilage injury, repair and regeneration. Selected Fellows travel with a Godmother or Godfather to visit research facilities, observe surgical procedures and participate in social events with the expert host cartilage community.

Scholarship opportunities
Scholarships offer young orthopaedic surgeons, residents, fellows and/or early-career scientists interested in cartilage regeneration and joint preservation the opportunity to participate in ICRS educational events through waived registration fees. Typically, up to three candidates will be awarded per scholarship call.

Publish in our journal JCJP
In 2021, we launched the peer-reviewed open access Journal of Cartilage & Joint Preservation (JCJP), in partnership with Elsevier. JCJP publishes state-of-the-art original articles and allows you to publish case series, review articles and video technique articles in a timely, peer-reviewed manner.
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