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7th ICRS Summit Catania

Scientific Programme

Scientific Programme

Lost in the jungle of knee preservation procedures? Need a focus on the efficacy and indications of new regenerative therapies? The summit will not only provide a comprehensive overview of the existing and novel regeneration approaches but also try to dive deep into the problematic field of personalization of joint preservation, giving step-by-step guidelines and insights on choosing the right therapy for the right patient. Science will meet clinical practice and regulatory environment to open the door to a truly personalized approach to knee preservation.


  • Meniscus
  • Large osteochondral damage
  • Chondral damage associated with early OA
  • Ageing athlete
  • Post-traumatic OA
  • OA progression prevention and Joint homeostasis modification
  • Inflammation control
  • Patients profiling
  • Microbioma
  • AI in joint disease
  • Distraction/unloading
  • Pain
  • Think out of knee: other joints session.
  • Consensus
  • Regulatory
  • Innovation Tank: Value My Idea

Final Online Programme

25 September (Wednesday)

26 September (Thursday)

27 September (Friday)