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1300 members from 70 countries Join ICRS

Call for “Nomination Committee Members” 

During the Members’ General Assembly in Sitges 2023, it was decided to implement a Nomination Committee to elect new Executive Board members. Per the defined election procedures, the Emeritus Committee has already elected Christoph Erggelet as the Non-voting Chair. The General Board has elected Susan Chubinskaya as its representative to join the Committee. The ICRS now opens a self-nomination process to select four additional Members at Large to complete this Committee.

Application requirements:

Your application should be supported by:

If there are more than 4 eligible applicants, the chairperson of the nomination committee will prepare a letter to be e-mailed to all ICRS members with voting rights for an electronic vote. At least two members should be from a historically underrepresented group within the ICRS leadership structure (e.g., based on profession, gender, geographic location or ethnicity). Please note that Nomination Committee Members can only serve for one term on the Nomination Committee.

Are you interested in shaping the future of our Society? Then please send your application by December 29, 2023, latest.

Apply now

During the Members' General…
Call for “Nomination Committee Members”