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Emma Wharton

Emma Wharton

A massive difference to my life...

Emma Wharton

“My knee had been sore for about six to nine months and my symptoms progressively got worse with the pain sometimes keeping me awake at night. It got to the point where I couldn’t do any exercise without being in a lot of pain.  I also found it difficult to drive for long periods of time. My general practitioner referred me to Mr Prakash and he undertook a knee arthroscopy.

I was quite shocked at the extent of the damage that was revealed and I had not really been expecting further treatment. Mr Prakash explained about autologous chondrocyte transplant.  I felt very much that it was a joint decision and that all the pros and cons were fully explained. It was made clear that doing nothing was not an option otherwise I would be facing a definite future of arthritis and pain. The immediate six weeks after the op was difficult as I think I had underestimated quite how hard it was being on crutches and having no weight on the right leg. Physiotherapy was hard work initially and getting the muscle tone back in my quads took some time. However, Mr Prakash had warned me about the extent of the muscle wastage that I could expect. I was on count down to the day that I could put weight on the foot and that felt like a milestone had been achieved. The procedure has made a massive difference to my life.  It felt like I wasn’t making progress for a few weeks and then suddenly I’d realise that I could do something again and it was little things like being able to curl my legs up on the sofa and being able to kneel down that really kept me going.

I’ve been a keen walker and the previous year was struggling to walk a few miles.  Then I did Snowdon – up the Pyg Pass and down the Llanberis Pass. Getting to the top, albeit slowly, was quite emotional as I realised how far my knee had come – 12 months previously I wouldn’t have been able to even contemplate that.

I am back walking and have found new walking groups. I’m now in the Peak District most weekends and I am planning a 26-mile sponsored walk for Help the Heroes. Driving is no longer a problem so that has made getting around much easier. I’m also going to have a go at doing some cycling and may invest in a bike sometime soon.  To sum up, I’m back to the levels of activity I was previously and don’t miss the gym one bit! In essence, I would encourage those patients who are suitable for this procedure to go for it.  Mr Prakash tells you it is not a quick recovery and that is true, but it totally worthwhile. I would totally recommend Mr Prakash. He understood my concerns, answered all the questions and at all times I felt it was a joint decision. He concentrated not just on my knee but on my lifestyle and what I wanted to achieve. I can only say a very big thank you to Mr Prakash!

– Emma Wharton, Birmingham, UK