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Episurf Medical

Episurf Medical

Episurf Medical

Stora Skuggans väg 11
115 42 Stockholm Sweden



Episurf Medical’s vision is to be a pioneer in innovating and providing effective, easy-to-use, patient-specific treatments for people with joint pain.


We know that every patient is unique, which is why we make individually customized solutions – perfectly personalized for each patient. In this way, we can improve the patients’ outcomes.


We believe that everyone should be entitled to pain-free motion and that is why we are dedicated to helping people with painful joint injuries and enabling them to return to their daily activities.


As a pioneer and industry leader in patient-specific technology for the treatment of painful joint injuries, Episurf Medical does something no other implant manufacturer has done. We put the patient in the centre of the diagnosis and design of implants and surgical instruments. By combining advanced 3D-imaging technology with the latest manufacturing technology, we are able to adapt not only each implant to the patient’s injury and anatomy, but also the surgical instruments used. In this way, we can ensure that each patient receives treatment that is perfectly suited to this or her anatomy and, thus, ensure a faster, more secure, and better patient-specific treatment for a more active and healthy life.
Episurf Medical addresses a global market in which one out of ten individuals over 25 years of age experience joint problems. Prior to the end of 2015, Episurf Medical plans to have expanded its first product portfolio, the knee portfolio, to address a market potential in the Western world of over SEK 30 billion – and this is only the beginning of Episurf Medical’s journey.

Historically, the industry has offered orthopaedic implants and surgical instruments in a standardized range, that is, “one size fits all” design.

Episurf Medical is built on the simple idea that each implant and surgical instrument should fit and be designed for each individual patient, rather than forcing patients to fit the implant. This is why we have developed a next generation implant system that ensures a better outcome for painful joint injuries. Episurf Medical was founded in 2009 and develops and commercialises patient-specific medical devices for the treatment of painful joint injuries.
With the help of the internally developed software μiFidelity, Episurf Medical can transform patient data such as MRI and CT images into individualised implants and a complete set of individualised surgical instruments. The technology to create patient-specific implants and instruments is supported by a strong patent portfolio consisting of around 70 patents and patent applications in the areas of image processing, patient-specific implant systems, patient-specific surgical techniques, patient-specific instrumentation and production for each and every joint in the body.

Episurf Medical’s main office is located in Stockholm and the company has an in-house sales organization and distribution partnerships in Europe. The share (EPIS B) is listed on Nasdaq Stockholm.